Every day I read about another reality star/actor ....writing a book. Just yesterday I read that SNOOKI (from Jersey Shore, if you aren't familiar) is now writing a book that is set to be published by Simon and Schuster.
This ticks me off. This proves that publishing houses are only interested in money and not in quality. How many actors have published children's books just because they felt like it? How many reality stars have gotten that long awaited book contract with just a phone call from their agent?
I'm sorry, but this begs the question-
WHAT ABOUT US??! What about ME? What about all the aspiring writers out there that go to conferences, join critique groups, read blogs, and buy copies of The Children's Writers and Illustator's Market? What about all those solidly GOOD writers out there that are struggling to break through a slow market? Doesn't this seem a little unfair?
I mean, I get it. Book sales. But, really? Snooki? Okay, I'm done.
You can now get back to your regularly scheduled program.