Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Just watch me.

Okay, I'm trying to make it a habit to search for new publishers every day that accept unsolicited manuscripts, and so far I've done it. I just put another MS in the mail and I'm sending it to Philomel Books. Yes, I'm whipping through stamps like wildfire. Yes, it's depressing to realize that most of those publishers probably won't even give my book a second glance. But you never know until you try, right? So I'll keep trying. Just watch me. I'll also try to keep from being discouraged, especially when some of the rejections start finding their way to me (you know, after about 5 months of tortuous anticipation). That's when I hope that you guys will be there (whoever you are) to share in my pain and pick me back up and tell me to keep it up. If "Sally Circle" never gets published, I'll just write another one and keep trying. There aren't many things I feel like I was truly meant to do- but I truly feel like I was meant to write. And so were you guys, so even if you get nothing else out of my pathetic little blog entries, I hope you at least feel inspired to stick to it. If I can do it you can do it. And if I can deal with the rejections, you can too.
Again, I'd love to know who you are if you're reading my blog. Tell me about yourself...this was intended to be a support blog- and even though it doesn't look like much now, I am determined to make it become just that. Just watch me.


S.I.F. said...

I love this! I love this I love this I love this! Wanna know why? I'm writing my first book (a life long dream of mine... not on the same topic as my blog though, that's just my outlet!) and I've realized only recently that I have no idea what to do with it once it's finished. So... I have every intention of mooching off of all your ideas and letting you figure out what works. Hopefully, by the time my book is finished, you would have figured out the perfect formula to having a finished product. Yup. I just admitted I am going to use you... Hope you don't mind! :)

D said...

That's great!!! I'm sooo glad that you are getting something out of this! Mooch away :-)
(And hopefully I will have the perfect formula- fingers crossed...)
What's your book about?

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